Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Do I HAVE to eat??

So I've reached the point in the IP diet that I'm not hungry and I'm having to force myself to eat.  It's a strange feeling.....I've always been to have to force myself NOT to eat.  Still getting everything in I need to eat though.  Today since I wasn't hungry I just had my veggies and some white cheddar crisps.  They are pretty good.  I like the snacks like those because you can eat on them all afternoon.  

I need to find some new IP approved recipes though that the hubs and kids will like.  In our house, my husband does all the cooking and guess what he's cooking tonight.....chicken fried steak!  UGH! So I'm having a grilled chicken salad for dinner. while I drool with envy at everyone else's dinner. hahaha

Last night I had my trainer session.  I'm still working out with him twice a week, but we've dialed down the workouts. A LOT...just  while I'm on IP. Yesterday though, he had me do two things I 1) haven't done before and 2) was too scared to do.  Pullups and straight arm planks!!!!  Just the thought makes me cringe! But you know what, I did both of them and I did great.  I thought I was going to let fall during my last 30 sec plank, but I held on.  I was so proud of myself. I think it really boosted my confidence in myeslf and made me want to be successful in this diet even more so I can just get better and better at them. I'm super stoked for my weigh in this week....is it Thursday yet!?!?!?

Monday, August 27, 2012


Well, I had a super successful weekend....I didn't cheat AT ALL.  I resisted the urge to eat all things not on my diet, which if you've ever been on IP, you know is A LOT!  I did it though so that means I know I can do it and shouldn't have any excuses anymore.  

Today was a good day too. Got all my IP foods in and my veggies and I'm feeling good.  Dinner was great tonight.  Hubs made ribeye steak and I steamed myself green beans. Yum Yum!

I'm super excited for my weigh in Thursday.  I'm anxious to see the results of how well I've done with this week.  Here is a progress picture Almost 3 weeks on IP and down 9 pounds and 13 inches. Can't wait until there is a much thinner me in that mirror! 

I'm kinda tired today but it was the first day of school so I'm not surprised. I hope we all get up and ready as well tomorrow as we did today.  :)  
Until tomorrow....

Sunday, August 26, 2012

A Great Day!

Yesterday was a great day!  I got up early, took the teenager to a band thing and then came home and helped the hubs mow the yard.  It was great exercise, and since his mower is self-propelled, all you have to do is basically walk.  Not like it was when I was little and we had to PUSH that sucker!! LOLOL

I also did some food prep for the week yesterday and also stocked up on my frozen veggies so that I have no excuse.  I LOVE cucumbers and I'm so glad they are an IP approved veggie.  Yesterday I skinned and cut up about 6 of them so I can eat them this week.  I've found that the more I prep and plan the week, the better I do.

My infinite struggle is staying away from sweets and as I've said, not cheating on the IP protocol is a HUGE goal for me.  Yesterday I did awesome.  I had a few urges to cheat but I resisted and I conquered.  My hubby didn't help any though....he bought some mini red velvet cupcakes when we were at Sam's.  HOLY TEMPTATION! I LOVE RED VELVET. I did not eat any though. I was super proud of myself.

BEEF and  ZUCCHINI  ...It's what's for dinner.......
Hubs made his famous sliders last night and left some of them off the bun for me.  The great thing about these is that he uses super lean hamburger meat and since they are so small four of them equal about 6 oz so I feel like I'm eating a lot and they are sooooo yummy!  I also cut up 2 zucchini and had him grill it with the burger.  It's one my favs. 

I ended the day by watching The Hunger Games! I have been waiting for this movie to come out on DVD and couldn't wait to watch it.  I read all 3 books and loved them.  I fell asleep during the last 15 minutes of the movie so today I have to go back and watch that part.  I'm anxious to see how they ended it....knowing how it end in the book.  
Low budget review of the movie:  they left out a lot of stuff but it was good.

Here's to a fantastic Sunday of laundry, a pedi, and no cheating! oh and school starts tomorrow...YAY!!

Friday, August 24, 2012

New Beginnings

I've tried the blog thing before and like a lot of stuff I've tried....I quit. So I'm trying it again, but with a new purpose this time. I'm blogging for myself and my weight loss.  I'm starting week three of the Ideal Protein Diet; if you don't know what it is look it up www.idealprotein.com.  Let me tell you it is NOT an easy diet, but it's a healthy diet and it works.  The best thing....you don't only lose pounds, you lose inches and best of all you reduce your body fat percentage. So having said all that, I'm using this blog as a way to chronicle my weight loss and maybe help prevent me from quitting....the blog and the diet.

My goal for this diet is 80 pounds.  That seems like a monumental task, so I've broken it down into smaller goals and know that if I don't CHEAT and I don't GIVE UP, I can easily meet these.

Goal 1 - 20 pounds by September 22 for our anniversary trip to Vegas
Goal 2 - 40 pounds (total) by November 3 when I leave for a girls trip to Belize...can I get a whoop whoop?? who doesn't love a fun girls trip!
Goal 3 - 60 pounds (total) by January 4 - the day of my sister's wedding.  I really want to look smokin' hot at her wedding.  :)
Goal 4 - 80 pounds by April 1

I can do it, I can do it, I can do it.........I have to keep telling myself this. My goal is to post on here every day about my successes and daily struggles with the diet.  I might also post progress pictures....we'll see.   I have some blogs I follow that provide me inspiration on this diet.  My fav is Mama Laughlin....you're missin' out if you haven't read her blogs.  http://www.mamalaughlin.com/ She's a gorgeous, funny and very inspiring person. 

On to today. It's been a rough one.  For one thing, I have a kitchen area right next to my office at work and we had a ton of food left over from a meeting last night so I had to smell everyone heating up left over lasagna and manicotti for their lunch today. It was torture! I just want some cheese...ok and something with sugar damn it! LOL I think that the hardest part of this is completely giving up things I love. I know it's not permanently, but it is still super hard.   I did have my weigh in with my coach today and even though I cheated while we were on vacation last weekend, I still lost 2.4 pounds and 2 inches! I was pleased.  

So here's to an awesome weekend with no cheating!

After week 2, down 9.4 pounds and 13.5 inches